Winnie Odinga excitedly celebrates Chef Maliha as she sets new record

Winnie surprised Maliha with a visit as the chef actively toiled in the kitchen

Chef Mahalia hanginng out with Winnie Odinga

Raila Odinga's daughter, Winnie Odinga won the hearts of netizens after she made a surprise visit to Kenyan chef, Maliha Mohammed who was participating in a cooking marathon.

Two months ago, Maliha had announced she was targeting to break her former Guinness world record of cooking for 75hrs and while at it, she was also set to break Chef Rata London's record of 85hrs come August.

Armed with determination and a passion for all things culinary, Maliha undertook an audacious challenge to conquer the record for the longest cooking marathon in the confines of her home kitchen.


With her eyes set on a coveted spot in the revered Guinness Book of Records, she embarked on a culinary journey like no other.

However, according to her the quest for the title was not merely about breaking records but more of a testament to the passionate soul of a culinary artist.

The kitchen echoed with the rhythm of her heart, as each dish was an embodiment of her dedication, innovation, and love for gastronomy.


Her hands moved with grace and purpose, guided by a vision that extended beyond ingredients and techniques—a vision of making history while doing what she loved most

In a bid to celebrate and motivate chef Maliha as she toiled in the kitchen, Winnie hooked her up with a team of professional videographers to stream live and record her accomplishments as well as paid for an inhouse DJ to help keep her and those around her entertained.

On her Instagram page, Winnie shared 3 short videos of Chef Maliha doing her thing.

In one of the videos, Winnie could be heard asking the chef how long it had been and how she was managing without any sleep.

"History in the making! @chefmalihamohammed_official has already thrown down a world record! Now let’s get to 90 hours just to make the point," the former prime minister's daughter captioned the post.

Mahalia totally outdid herself.

She broke the world record for the longest home kitchen cooking marathon on Monday, August 14 She cooked for 68 hours, 30 minutes, and 2 seconds, surpassing the previous record of 68 hours, 30 minutes, and 1 second held by US-based chef Rickey Lumpkin 

And she did not stop there! Maliha continued to cook and amazed everyone by setting a new record of 90 hours and 15 minutes 

If certified by Guinness World Records, Chef Maliha will be displacing Rickey Lumpkin from California.

Congratulations to our very own, Chef Maliha.

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