We have a country to build! CS Ababu states after being booed at Fred Omondi's memorial

The CS maintained all citizens had a responsibility to pay taxes for national self-sustenance

CS Ababu Namwamba
Image: Instagram

Youth Affairs, Sports, and Arts CS Ababu Namwamba has issued out a statement after getting furiously booed by the crowd during Fred Omondi's Last Laugh Memorial event.

The CS, who'd been invited on stage by comedy powerhouse Daniel Ndambuki aka Churchill was subject to the wrath of citizens who chanted ant-Ruto slurs as well as a call for the rejection of the proposed Finance Bill 2024.

Mwalimu Churchill tried calming the crowd who'd turned up in large numbers to pay tribute to the late comedian and MC to no avail with them maintaining they wished not to hear whatever Ababu had to say. 


Taking to his socials, the CS who was unable to get a word in yesterday evening due to the crescendo of noise stated; 

“Paid my last respects to the memory of the late creative Fredrick Omondi at the Carnivore Simba Salon, where the Churchill Show's Last Laugh edition was dedicated to fundraise and celebrate him.

Incredible talent Freddie, snatched from our midst way too young. Fred's comedy, as with our other creatives, mirrors Kenya's robust democratic culture encapsuled in Article 37 of the Constitution, among others, which we must cherish and guard jealously as the cornerstone of our national stability,”


He went on to address the hecklers at the event noting that everyone had a responsibility to this country and part of those responsibilities included paying taxes to ensure the country ran smoothly.

“And so I was quite pleased to come face to face with some of our fellow citizens opposed to the #FinanceBill2024. When emotions settle, blinkers fall off and fact is shifted from fiction, reality will dawn: the reality that we have a country to build, a task in which each of us has a role. Including the responsibility to pay taxes for national self-sustenance," part of his lengthy post read.

Finishing up he called upon creatives in the country to think of the good the proposed Finance Bill would bring their way.

“I am delighted that the Creative Economy is a central pillar in the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda. And the Finance Bill will facilitate robust initiatives like the transformative #WhozNext project for Kenyan creatives, which we are rolling out next month under the Talanta Hela flagship. Kenya tunajenga pamoja. By #DeliveringThePlan,” the last of the CS's post read. 

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