Gen Z: You told us we are the future leaders, Future is Now  &it here with us 

In the heart of many cities around Kenya today, thousands of young people took to the streets to advocate for change. This remarkable demonstration is not just a protest but a profound statement of purpose from Generation Z. Often heralded as the future leaders, today’s events underscored that the future is no longer a distant horizon since it is here, embodied in the actions, voices, and determination of Gen Z.

Gen Z, those born roughly between 1997 and 2012, has grown up in an era marked by rapid technological advancements, increasing globalization, and significant social and environmental challenges.

From climate change and economic inequality to political polarization, the issues facing our country are complex and multifaceted. Yet, rather than being daunted by these challenges, Gen Z has embraced activism with unprecedented fervor.

Today's demonstrations have highlighted the power and potential of this generation. With signs, speeches, and social media campaigns, young activists conveyed their vision for a better country.

 Their approach is characterized by inclusivity, intersectionality, and a deep understanding of what our leaders want to make us drown into by voting Yes for the finance bill.

 Unlike previous generations, who may have viewed activism through a singular lens, Gen Z recognizes that solving one problem often requires addressing several others simultaneously, which they are now fearlessly doing on the streets all over the country.

One of the most significant factors contributing to the rise of Gen Z as influential change-makers is their adeptness with technology. Growing up with the internet, social media, and smartphones, this generation has harnessed these tools to organize, mobilize, and amplify their voices.

Today’s demonstrations were coordinated through platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, enabling young activists to reach a global audience in real-time.

This digital revolution has also democratized information, allowing Gen Z to educate themselves and others about the issues they care about. Through online resources, webinars, and virtual discussions, they have built a knowledge base that informs their activism.

The concept of leadership is evolving, and Gen Z is at the forefront of this transformation. Traditional notions of leadership often emphasize hierarchy and authority, but Gen Z is redefining what it means to lead. They prioritize collaboration, empathy, and authenticity, valuing leaders who are transparent, inclusive, and accountable.

In today’s demonstrations, we can actually see numerous examples of young people stepping up to lead in various capacities, some taking charge of organizing logistics, others leading chants and marches, while many used their creative talents to design impactful signs and social media content.

Gen Z has been termed as the generation that will bring liberation to Kenya and make Kenya a free corruption country since they honor honesty, integrity, and authenticity as a virtue.