I’m not after the money- Amber Ray openly shares

Amber is engaged to business magnet Kennedy Rapudo

Night club host Amber Ray

Socialite turned digital content creator and night club host Faith Makau better known as Amber Ray has shared one of the biggest reasons why she hustles hard.

Through her Instagram posts the mother of 2 maintained that it is not money itself that entices her but the beautiful things and peace that comes with having sufficient wealth.

"I’m not after the money. I’m after the freedom that comes with having money.," the content creator shared in part as she posted a photo of herself looking radiant while touring a city hotel.

She went on to share some of her life goals and aspirations as she advised her over 2.2 million followers to always learn to be logical when making life decisions as emotions can cloud ones judgement and make them open to a lot of manipulation. 

"My goal is to live a soft life. No anger, no unforgiveness, no resentment... those things bring struggle, sickness, and hate.

I just want love, good energy, a good heart, and peace.#amberthebrand, the influiencer who is currently engaged to business magnet Kennedy Rapudo.

Finishing up the self appointed 'positive influencer added some words of encouragement penning, "I don’t know who needs to hear this but when you can separate emotions from decision-making, you’re immune to manipulation.…..Know your triggers.😉

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