Raila Odinga

Azimio leader and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has attended the funeral service of the late comedian Fred Omondi.

Raila arrived in Sega, Bondo, Siaya county on Saturday mid-morning via a helicopter accompanied by Siaya Governor James Orengo and National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi. 

Fred is being buried at his family home in Siaya county after his body was airlifted on Friday evening from Nairobi to Kisumu. His body was later transported via road to Sega.

The burial service is being held at the Nyambiro Primary school.

Celebrities who have gone to condole with the family include, Mp Jalang'o, 2mbili, YY, Amberay, Ken Rapudo, Dufla among others.

Fred leaves behind a brother (Eric Omondi) and a sister (Irene Adhiambo).