Akothee shares never seen before details about her divorce

Here is a breakdown of Akothees divorce decree

Akothee reveals she had a fallout with her family over her wedding
Kenyan artist Akothee Akothee reveals she had a fallout with her family over her wedding
Image: Instagram

Akothee is a free woman to walk down the aisle with the next man.

This is according to a video, where the mom of 5 told haters she got an official divorce from her childhood sweetheart Jared.

She angrily read out the contents of the document declaring that she was a free woman.


In the video, the singer is seen calling out haters who thought she would not be someone's wife ever again.

Akothee describes how the process to getting her freedom began in 2007 and lasted four years.

"I am allowed to marry again. I have all my divorce documents and nobody can claim nothing," she retorts.


"Alright guys, you can imagine the divorce started in 2007 and we cleared all the documentation and the marriage was dissolved in 2011 in Migori between Jared Okello and Esther Akoth the respondent."

Displaying the court signed decree, Akothee angrily adds the contents

"So those who are still telling me heh , decree is here!" The singer then loudly continued; "The decree is here, it has been dissolved!"

"Those saying Okello took cattle to my house heh..."

"Republic of Kenya in the Chief Magistrates court at the Nairobi Milimani"

"Divorce case number 95. of 2007. Jared Okello Otieno petitions marriage to Ether Akoth Okello be dissolved by reason that the respondent deserted the petitioner.

Referring to the decree made in this case on the 22nd day of November 2010, whereby it was decreed that the marriage had solemnized on the 6th day of 2002 at the SDA church."

Akothee then warned Jared saying, "Hapa ulinidanganya hata wewe unajua unless sufficient reason is shown to the court why this decree could not be made obsolete and no such cause having been shown."

She dramatically reads on "It is hereby declared that the same marriage was thereby dissolved."

Akothee and Jared have three children together; Vesha, Fancy Makadia and Rue baby.

They got married because Jared needed a certificate to travel, so they could also join him abroad. 

The wedding cost 2000 bob. 

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