Brian Mwenda

Brian Mwenda, a man being investigated over the claim that he is a fake lawyer has revealed that he is a consultant on legal issues in various countries inside and outside Africa.

Speaking on the Radio Jambo station in a unique way with the presenter Massawe in Japan, Mwenda said that the rumors that are being spread on the internet that he is a fake lawyer are not true.

Mwenda, however, did not want to talk in detail about the scandal that has brought him into the light of the media recently on the basis that it is an issue that is still in court, so discussing it is the same as interfering with the court.


Mwenda emphasized that he is a legal consultant and even went ahead to reveal that he has several companies that provide legal advice on the issues of fraud in 6 countries.

"I am a legal consultant and I already have legal consulting companies in the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, Accra in Ghana, Lagos in Nigeria, Birmingham in England, and New York in the United States," Mwenda said.

In the case that continues to haunt him in court, Mwenda described it as witchhunt but said that there will come a time when people will understand him and everything will be fine.


He said he already has about 9 lawyers handling his case, including champion lawyer Khaminwa and Omari among others.