KRG loses over 100k Instagram followers and gets TikTok account banned

KRG is facing the wrath of netizens after voicing his support of the proposed Finance Bill 2024

Krg the Don
Image: Courtesy

Uprising dancehall artist, businessman and aspiring content creator KRG the Don is currently facing the wrath of Kenyan youths after declaring his unwavering support for the proposed 2024 Finance Bill.

Through his socials, the occasional musician highlighted he saw nothing wrong with the bill while pointing out Kenyan citizens should learn to work harder instead of constantly complaining.

His words most definitely rubbed people the wrong way. Especially considering citizens taking to the streets for 3 days to heatedly protest against the bill, urging MP's not to pass it.

As payback for what they view as disrespect and lack of empathy and solidarity with his countrymen netizens decided to attack the father of 3 the best way they know how... through social media.

These attacks were however, not the usual spamming comment sections with insults and what nots netizens took it a step further. His TikTok account got reported by multiple individuals leading to it getting banned.

On his Instagram page he has lost over 100k followers. KRG had recently crossed the 1 million mark boasting a little over 1.1 million followers however as of today the numbers have significantly gone down with more and more social media users promising to unfollow him.

KRG has also lost subscribers on his YouTube channel and is getting spammed with nasty comments from angry Kenyans,

Their wrath isn't only directed at the aspiring musician though, other people on the unfollow and block list include Diana Marua and her fiancé Bahati, the Wajesus family, Kagwe Mungai and his ex-girlfriend Sharon Mwangi, content creator Aunty Nimu (over the sheer fact that she is a politicians daughter) and Eddie Butita just but to mention a few. 

Kenyans have also expressed their unity in boycotting businesses owned by politicians who voted yes during the first tabling of the finance bill as well as some establishments within the CBD who shunned away protestors seeking refuge from ant-riot police officers. 

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