Why people still believe in superstitions in this age of science and reason

Superstition is the excessive belief in and reverence for the supernatural

An image detailing some of the superstitions people believe in
Image: Courtesy

Superstitions, those quirky beliefs that seemingly defy logic, have fascinated humanity for centuries.

Despite now living in an age of science, technology and reason, why do we still cling to these age-old rituals?

Let's delve into the captivating world of superstitions and explore the fascinating psychology behind our unshakable faith in them.


1) The need for control:

One of the primary reasons behind our inclination towards superstitions is the inherent human desire for control.

Life can be unpredictable and chaotic, leaving us feeling vulnerable. Superstitions offer a sense of order and assurance, allowing us to believe that we can influence the outcome of events through our actions or rituals.


2) The illusion of patterns:

The human brain is wired to detect patterns and make connections. Superstitions often emerge when we associate certain actions with positive outcomes by sheer coincidence.

Once we notice this pattern, our brains reinforce the belief, leading us to repeat those actions in the hope of a favorable outcome.

3) Cultural transmission:

Superstitions are not only passed down through generations, but they are also deeply rooted in cultural practices.

As children, we learn these beliefs from our elders, making them an integral part of our identity. Embracing superstitions connects us to our heritage and gives us a sense of belonging.

4) Emotional comfort:

Superstitions offer emotional comfort, acting as a psychological security blanket during challenging times.

Whether it's carrying a lucky charm, knocking on wood when you say something bad or following a ritual before an important event, these actions provide a source of comfort and confidence, reducing anxiety and boosting self-assurance.

5) Cognitive biases:

Our minds are prone to various cognitive biases, including confirmation bias and selective memory.

When a superstitious belief appears to be validated, we remember and highlight those instances while conveniently forgetting the times when the belief failed to produce the desired outcome.


The psychology of superstitions is a complex and captivating field of study that highlights our deeply ingrained need for control, patterns, and cultural influences.

Despite the new age superstitions continue to be an integral part of the human experience, offering fascinating insight into the workings of the human mind.

So the next time you spit saliva after saying something negative, wear red for good luck or cross your fingers for good luck, remember that it's not just superstition; it's an inherent part of what makes us human.

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