Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive
Image: KISS FM

On the Drive Show with Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive, they talked about the patience and resilience journalists carried on Sunday while interviewing the President.

Xclusive confessed that he doesn't know how to keep calm when he is not getting the answers he needs from an interview.

"One thing I have to applaud and I say this am not a true journalist because mimi hii journalism yangu hii ni ya kamagera, no am talking about in terms of attitude because to be honest Mwalimu mimi nimelelewa na brothers okay so we used to argue a lot and I do not know how to argue professionally," Xclusive said.

"You know when I saw Eric Latiff asking a question and wanting an answer and not getting an answer and still just being calm when asking it, mimi nimezoea kuargue kwa base hio round table tungepindua hio meza kuna mahali ningerusha hio meza nisema hapa bwana."

Mwalimu Rachel interjected the conversation stating that's why media houses have to be very careful in selecting journalists who will handle their key interviews.

She added that those selected should not be over-emotional and get upset in the mid of interviews.

"Mimi ningeamka tu cheki huyu msee," Xclusive said.

"Kwanza  saa zile unacheza video unamuuliza hapa ulikuwa unasema nini wewe," Mwalimu Rachel said.