Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive

On the drive show with Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive they talked about whether Cabinet Secretaries should be reshuffled or they should just step out of office.

"Ndo hio sasa na sisi Gen Z tushatoa hashtag no reshuffle dissolve," Xclusive said.

"Hii syllabus munakimbisha sana for real," Mwalimu Rachel said.

"No reshuffle dissolve watu wantaka kila mtu aende, si mambo na kureshuffle, you see this is the problem with reshuffling okay and am honestly against reshuffling, if you are doing very badly in the Ministry of Agriculture me talking you to the Ministry of Sports is not helping anybody," Xclusive explained.

According to Xclusive reshuffling will just be transferring of problems to another Ministry so they should just dissolve and look for more qualified people for those seats.

"Their some CS amabao watu wanasema they must go," Xclusive said.

"Because wana demand members of the public especially pale online they are saying you need to get professionals for instance if you are going to be a CS in the Ministry of Health, can it be a doctor," Mwalimu Rachel said.

"Si ati unaeka mtu wa procurement unamueka sasa Ministry of health," Xclusive said.

"That is the question do we even have those professionals in government, watu ambao wamesomea na wamehitimu, wameenda higher learning in the ministries that they serve," Mwalimu Rachel asked.

In response, Xclusive said that their people who are qualified for these positions but the problem with our government is these CS positions are given to psycho fans or people who were supporting the government during election campaigns.

"So nikiangalia mimi honestly I also feel the same they should dissolve get this professional ambao waneza run hizi Ministries, kwa sababu let me tell you something and I may not be able to go to the streets, all I can say is this mimi CS wa sports and Culture Ababu tutapelekana abadan katan mpaka mwisho," Xclusive said.

"You see that is what affects me directly mambo ya entertainment so am going to be on his case niko hapa abadan katan, Talanta hela tunataka kuona hizo hela."