DJ Mo with Size 8 The couple have addressed rumours that they have split up
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Linet Munyali, a.k.a. Size 8 Reborn, and her hubby, DJ mo are rumoured to be living separately. 

A recent interview with Plug TV is making the rounds where the couple speaks about the difficulties that a married couple normally faces.

The couple also discussed being honest and enduring tough times in their relationship.


“Those low moments you see someone has posted on social media, and haven’t been verified and people just want to get clicks. Our highs have been the most, however. 

And people only know 30% of the whole story. We only put what we want people to know, what we think will encourage people. Most of our things are very private and people don’t know," DJ Mo said.


Size 8 said that in contrast to their earlier years when they frequently fought and had drama, they had developed as a couple.


The mother of two continued by saying that Rev. Kathy Kiuna eventually had to call her in order to unlock the door for her husband.

"I know people sometimes wonder if these couples on social media fight. We really fight at home. How could they not? 

There are times we don’t talk in the house even when you see us post content on social media. 

You will find both our egos are over the top and the entire house stinks of pride. We then catch ourselves, we repent, we go before God and we say we are sorry and we get back together and we talk because we are now a mature couple and we continue with our work,” the couple jointly said.

She also discussed how things she once wanted are keeping her from moving on to the next level in her live session on Friday.

"Some of the things you desired God to give you are separating you from your next level of elevation," she said.

"I don't know about you but I have gotten a serious revelation in my life. There is something I desired and God gave me. And right now, I might stand a chance of losing it if I obey what God wants me to do."

Size 8 asserted that if she is sincere in her willingness to let it go and if it genuinely was for her, it will return.

She also discussed how, after switching to preaching, she ran the risk of losing her celebrity status.

"I stood a chance of losing the fame I have if I began to preach and chase demons," she said.

"The fame I desired so much, the fame that I have fought for so much, but now if I obey God and begin preaching. I told God, I was ready to give it back to Him and it doubled."

Check out the interview below;

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