Generation Z
Image: Zyanya BMO

Gen Z workers in the corporate world are making significant transitions in the workplace, often clashing with millennials due to differences in ideas, opinions, and work habits.

Gen Z employees are known for being outspoken, which millennials sometimes view as disrespectful.

However, Gen Z sees it as setting things straight to avoid being taken advantage of.

Gen Z tends to prioritise their well-being over a toxic workplace, advocating for less pressure and more peaceful working environments.

If these conditions aren't met, they might resign even without securing another job, as their mental health comes first.

While millennials may view Gen Z as lazy, the truth is that Gen Z can be more productive under less pressure, whereas millennials often need supervision and pressure to be productive.


Gen Z is also very tech-savvy, having grown up in a digital era. This makes them valuable in technology-based companies, as they require less training due to their familiarity with digital tools.


A notable trend among Gen Z is the concept of "bare minimum Mondays," where they engage in minimal work to conserve energy for the rest of the week and avoid burnout.

Although millennials may not agree with Gen Z's work habits, this generation is poised to bring significant change to the corporate world.

Gen Z employees are unafraid to confront their bosses if they feel deprived of something, unlike millennials, who are often seen as people-pleasers.