Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive

On yesterday’s drive show with Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive, the two discussed the review of the code of conduct in parliament during protests.

“They have outlined almost 10 codes of conduct, and I’ll just highlight a few. First, stay calm especially when facing harassment. You are an ambassador of peace. No way, man, this thing, if you bring it to me, I will bring it with me. Number three, and I see this causing issues, no alcohol or pre-drinking,” Xclusive explained.

“Isn’t that the thrill of the protest, though?” Mwalimu Rachel remarked.

Xclusive continued, arguing that people need to drink to gather courage because many are afraid. “Many of us are fearful. We need to pre-drink to get that courage. Have you seen someone who has had a drink, how confident they become? How many times have you been cut off and seen someone and said you're just drunk, you wouldn't have approached?” Xclusive said.

“Another issue I foresee is number seven, I don't know what Bonface is thinking. If the police use teargas or threaten you, don't run. Yes, we should stick together at all costs. Listen, I'm ready to be there, but if teargas comes out, I'm out,” Xclusive said.

Xclusive then explained that he would run for his life if teargas smoke appeared since it could suffocate you. “Because what are we going to do, die from all that suffocation because that suffocation, because that smoke is so stinging every part of you,” Mwalimu Rachel said.

“But you have been preparing yourselves, you have been preparing yourselves for all these years, just as preparation for this,” Xclusive replied.

“They say bring a friend, don't walk alone. Is this Tinder? Now, as I look at these things, number ten, the emergency hotline number has even been provided in case of arrest, let them know, arrest. Now, when it gets to that point, I call a parent, after that I can go to the office because the protest is before the show, by the way, Mwalimu, we are going, attire is all black.”