Kwambox & Kerry Martin

On today's morning show with Kwambox and Kerry they received a confession from a listener who said that his friend got fired for a mistake he made but he is not ready to speak up.

"Hey Kwambox and Kerry hide my ID, so iko hivi niliingia kwa ngori noma job manzee alafu someone got fired, yeah the mistake is mine but someone got fired, huyu ni msee manzee tumekuwa tuki hangout na yeye beshte yangu tumekuwa tu na yeye for four years tangu niingie job," a fan confessed.

"Apparently he got fired for a mistake that I did but kuna vile manzee as much as I feel guilty kuna vile manzee siwezi jiseti."

Kwambox then asked Kerry if you he finds himself in such a situation and whether he could stand up for her.

"Ama utajitetea ukiwa pande gani,'' Kwambox said.