Oga Obinna
Image: Kiss FM Kenya

On his Kikao segment on Kiss FM, Obinna tackled a case of a wife who wanted to know why her house help keeps insisting on cooking for her husband.

Irene told Obinna on the Morning Kiss that the house help loves showing off.

“Please call Cynthia , my house help, muulize mbona anapenda kujipendekeza kwa my husband , anampikia pikia (Ask her why she loves showing off to my husband.)"

On being asked why she insists on cooking for her employer's husband, the house help said she and Irene's husband had agreed on not telling Irene that she is not a good cook.

"Bwana yake alisema anapenda chakula yangu. Nikue nikipika. Bibi yake hajui kupika na akasema nisimwamie." (Her husband said she doesn't like his wife's food.

He asked me to be cooking and told me not to tell her what he said to me.)

The house help denied ever having an affair with Irene's husband.

"Hapana hakuna kitu inaendelea. Anapenda tu chakula yangu that's all. Ni chakula tu. Irene akitaka kujua nitamfunza." (There's nothing going on, he just likes my food. If Irene wants to know how to cook, I'll teach her)

Obinna asked her if she's  afraid she was going to get fired. The help laughed that off and said;

"Sasa mimi nitafanyaje?" (What can I really do?)

Obinna asked Irene to go for cooking classes;

"Stop fearing, its just food, she's not in the menu," Obinna told Irene

In a past Kikao, Oga Obinna tackled the case of a listener, Simon, who was cheated on by his girlfriend Cate.

"Call my girlfriend and ask her why she decided to cheat on me," Simon told Obinna.

On calling Cate, she said Simon was just a friend, she then hang up the phone after being asked why she cheated.

She refused to pick the call when called again.

"This is not your girlfriend Simo, ukiwachwa, achika( If you get dumped, accept and move on)," Obinna advised the listener.

Did someone do something and you want to know why they did it?WhatsApp us on 0702946100 with the details.