Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive

On the drive show with Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive, they discussed the 2024/2025 Finance Bill which has raised alarm due to the increased tax rates.

"The finance bill a lot of things that they had not had in terms of taxes, kuna charges gani, kama uko in a household you are above the age of 25 and you don't have a job unachukuliwa ni kama you are a different entity in itself kuna pesa unafaa, there is just a lot," Xclusive said.

According to Mwalimu Rachel one of the things she has heard people complaining about is the the language they have used, the jargon that the common Mwananchi will not understand.

"Sijui hio vehicle tax, ecotax sijui kulipa hio ya economy sio economy the system, there is a lot of taxes that we are going to be taxed and Kenyans tumefika point or rather Kenyans on social media have gotten to that point that we need to talk to our representatives," Xclusive said.

"Now yesterday what happened pale hivo on X people started sharing those numbers, get to listen, MP wenu wa Embu anaitwa nani, hata hujui unaona venye finance bill itapita kwa sababu ya Mwalimu."

According to Xclusive people gave out numbers of different MPs such as Wambugu Wainana, Kimani Ichungwa, PK Salasya so that they could directly talk to them and air out their problems and why they don't want the finance bill to be passed.

"Kama PK Salasya alienda mpaka akapost akasema bwana mumepeana number yangu sasa simu yangu imekaa ikilia, i have gotten over three thousand messages," Xclusive said.

Mwalimu Rachel went on and say it is against the law to go and expose people's numbers without their consent.

"Listen it is also against the human law for you to tax mpaka tunaskia ni kama hatuna mbele, you know the funniest thing Mwalimu and I don't know how this will turn out," Xclusive said.

"We are still waiting to see the finance bill is now being presented in parliament na mambo ya 1st reading, 2nd reading, 3rd reading but you know ata the president's number was given out on social media."

Xclusive went on and said that even Rachel Ruto's number was shared and what he noticed about the president's number is that their was someone who sent him a message on WhatsApp.