Constructive engagement works- Chipukeezy defends President Ruto

Chipukeezy stirs controversy as he weighs in on ongoing protests

President William Ruto and Chipukeezy

Comedian turned TV show host Chipukeezy has caused quite a stir online after sharing sentiments that appeared to be calling out youths who've taken to the streets in organized protests in the last 2 weeks.

In his social media post, Chipukeezy praised President Ruto and his team noting that the Head of State had clearly demonstrated he is a man who listens and dialogue works.

This was in relation to the president failing to sign the controversial finance bill that saw Kenyans across different counties take to the streets in protests.

"Our country is heading in a dangerous direction, and we stand to lose a lot if we don’t change course. We can’t build a nation by tearing it down.

It’s contradictory to say we are fighting for the youth while harming their businesses and risking their lives.

When young people raised concerns about the finance bill, the president withdrew it. This shows that constructive engagement works,” the veteran comedian wrote in part.

He went on to state he felt at this point it did not matter whether the protests were still for the Gen Z or infiltrated by paid goods, they really did not make sense.

Finishing up, he highlighted he was not afraid of the backlash or getting cancelled/bullied by netizen keyboard warriors as he truly believed in his stance.

Protests are creating a good platform for chaos and hooliganism whether it's organic or paid, and it’s leading us down a destructive path. I am willing to be unpopular to speak my truth.

Real change comes through proper channels. If you think the country is on the wrong track, get involved—either by running for office or by voting for someone who will represent your views effectively when that time comes,” the last of his post that has rubbed so many people off the wrong way read.

Taking to the comment section and X netizens pointed out that Chipu was in bed with the government and that's why he felt bold enough to make such statements.

Receipts were pulled showcasing his close friendship with President William Ruto and other members of his team further cementing online users opinions that the TV host was just a puppet trying to deter people from their anti-government and budgeted corruption demonstrations that have rocked the country in the past 2 weeks.

Read also:

Kenyan comedian Chipukeezy
Image: Instagram